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Registration is now open for our Finding Your Person program

Join Dateable's Finding Your Person Program

Are you ready to find that

person that feels like home?


We get it. Modern dating can be incredibly difficult. After one too many bad dates, you may even question if this is all worth it.

….you’re sick of swiping and want a real connection (we hear you)

….you don’t get why this aspect of your life doesn’t seem to just click (we feel you)

….you just want to meet someone who is emotionally available (we see you)

We get it because we’ve been here ourselves.

But by talking to thousands of modern daters over the last 5 years through Dateable, we’ve been able to pinpoint exactly what helps people find their person. 

It’s 3 components: Positivity. Reflection. And Action.

And it's all about striking the right balance between the three, which led us to create the Positive Refact Method. 

It's worked for us and it's worked for many others in our community. You heard directly from Shieldy about how she went from getting ghosted to finding her person – who felt like home. 

If you're ready, keep reading as we're about to drop all the secrets.

Let’s level set first….

Will you find your person overnight?

Probably not.

But that's because most people don’t get results when buying any type of “60 days to love” or “2 weeks to finding the one” type of courses because you can’t put a time on love.

We also don’t believe in hacks, tricks, or band-aid solutions that only have short-term benefits, which may harm you in the long run.

The Positive Refact Method takes time, effort, and your willingness to implement. While we can’t guarantee who you’ll meet, when you’ll meet, and how you’ll meet them, we also know that Positive Refact Method absolutely works.

With that said,

Here's what we can guarantee:

This is our best content yet and we aren't holding back any of our secrets (including the ways we operate dating apps which are very different than how most people use them...)'ll start to see dating as more of an adventure, not a job you have to do'll have less dating anxiety and a healthier relationship with yourself'll feel empowered and won't take rejection as personally

If you’re serious about finding your person, willing to put in the work, and eager to implement every step of this method, the sky’s the limit. 

Finding love and a healthy partnership doesn't have to be difficult. 

When the time comes that you're cuddled up on the couch with that person who just *gets* you, you'll realize this journey was entirely worth it.

Every day we get people asking us about how to get off this dating hamster wheel to find something real.

But we wanted to wait until we had all the findings and a concrete method we could share.

And it's truly taken us 5 years to crack the code and we want to streamline that for you.

We care deeply about our listeners and want to see them all in happy, healthy relationships. We want as many people as possible to be able to experience this new way of dating that will make this journey feel like an adventure.

So, we decided to put an end to the flood of daily questions by creating this 'Finding Your Person Program' for everyone who wants to make this shift.

And we can ward off those who are just looking for a "quick fix" and stuck in the endless loop of game playing.

So we're killing two birds with one stone.

Hear what members of our past cohorts had to say

"I've been able to further understand myself as an individual, which in turn provided clarity to what I need, want, and deserve in a relationship. I'm now dating someone exclusively and I can see how this relationship is aligning to what serves me best. The program has provided me with the essential tools on the "how" to navigate this relationship as it progresses. It is truly an authentic (non-gimmicky) approach that has facilitated the growth of this newly founded partnership that is fulfilling and genuine. Thank you Julie and Yue!"

- Natalie

"The program really helped me identify the limiting beliefs that were holding me back in my dating life. I've been able to identify what I want in a partner that aligns with my values and showing up as my true authentic self vs. being someone I think others want me to be. The program helped me grow, and I am confident I am on the right path to meeting my life partner.  I highly recommend this program to anyone ready to take their dating life to the next level and ultimately find a meaningful relationship. 

- Preston

"Through this program, I'm learning more about myself and things are becoming clearer. I knew I put up some walls inadvertently, but now I see that I do this all the time. Being aware of this has helped me craft more helpful self-talk and challenge myself to do what is uncomfortable with the new person I’ve been dating. It’s still new, but he’s wonderful and it feels good. Something is changing for me.”


"The program provided helped me dig deeper into blind spots and think more clearly about my wants and needs. I now find myself being more open-minded when using dating apps and while on dates, and I actually enjoy the process more! I'm definitely glad I signed up for the program and am grateful to Julie and Yue for creating content and a community to provide support to those of us just trying to find our person. :) "

- Katherine

Now you might be wondering exactly what you're getting:

Section 1: Positivity

  • Learn how to maintain positivity through the whole process so dating feels like an adventure, not a chore
  • Shift your mindset in a way that feels authentic to you (no cheesy affirmations, promise)
  • Identify your negativity triggers and how to deal with them
  • Restructure your life to start living like you've found your person

Section 2: Reflection

  • Identify your blind spots of what's holding you back from having the love life you've always wanted

  • Focus on the important aspects of a partner to learn who is right for you so you can start attracting those types of people

  • Ooze quiet confidence and say goodbye to your limiting beliefs that give you doubts if you'll find your person

  • Nip your fears in the bud so they don't continue to get in your way

Section 3: Action

  • Learn how to be approachable (and approach) IRL and where are the best places to meet potential partners

  • Stop feeling frustrated by dating apps and use them to your advantage by having more offline connections

  • Form deeper emotional connections to progress your dates into an actual relationship

  • Recognize when you've found the right partner and DTR in a way that brings you closer

That's over 8 hours of guided audio

+ digital workbooks 

In addition, we are also giving away free bonuses worth up to $1K as a welcome gift. We want to give as much value as possible because we care about sharing this information with all of you.

These free bonuses alone will help transform your dating life and give you the tools to finding your person without second guessing yourself. If this resonates with you, you'll get $1k worth of free bonuses.

Join now

Bonus #1: Guidance From Yue & Julie along the way

(valued at $700)

  • Do periodic check-in's along the way that can help us view your progress
  • Two 1:1 session at the mid-point and end of the program
  • Stay on course to finding your person and get unblocked by anything holding you back 

Bonus #2: Dating Setback Toolbox

(valued at $150)

  • Listen to an extra audio series that will allow you to handle any setbacks (since that's bound to happen) and bounce back with even more confidence. 
  • Address everything from reducing anxiety, dealing with rejection, and handling ambiguity.

Bonus #3: Dating Profile Checklist

(valued at $50)

  • Review everything to look out for in your online dating profile with our robust dating app checklist
  • Feel more confident with dating apps so you can finetune what matters and not worry about the endless loops of things that don't

These free bonuses alone will help

transform your dating life  


...are you serious about finding your person?

...are you ready to transform your love life into a place of abundance? 

You can join the program for a one-time payment of $369.

Or 4 easy installments of $101.

This is an investment in your love life that’s essentially priceless.

Signing up is super simple. You’ll be asked to choose your preferred payment option and fill out a quick form. You can pay by credit card or other payment options.

If finding your person is a priority for you, sign up today, and get access to $1K worth of free bonuses right away.

We'll also send an onboarding email with all of the access details and links.

 In total, you’ll get access to 8 hours of audio + digital workbooks that you can access 24/7.

We'll drip release the content but it's up to you how and when you want to do the program.

Everything will be broken down into small, bite-size chunks so you can absorb it all.

If this all resonates with you, join today and get $1000 worth of free bonuses (including live calls with Julie & Yue!)

Get your spot!

Choose the payment plan that works for you

4 Payments


Paid 1x month for 4 months

  • Access to the Finding Your Person Program 
  • 2 Individual Live Calls with Julie & Yue
  • Dating Setback Toolbox
  • Dating Profile Checklist
Enroll & Pay monthly

Pay Upfront


Paid once - Save 10%

  • Access to the Finding Your Person Program 
  • 2 Individual Live Calls with Julie & Yue
  • Dating Setback Toolbox
  • Dating Profile Checklist
Pay in full & Save

Find Your Person Plus


Save 10% off if pay full or pay in increments

  • 1 hour – intake call
  • 5 subsequent  weekly 30 min 1:1 calls to keep you on track, with both Julie & Yue
  • Access to the Finding Your Person Program 
  • Customize the program around your needs
  • Follow up from the call with personalized assignments
  • Dating Setback Toolbox
  • Dating Profile Checklist
Claim your spot

Now, we all know that love is a hot topic...


A lot of people will be interested in this course...

So please pay attention to this next part carefully.

Time is of the essence

We'd love to help everyone find love...but we simply can’t.

We know from experience that by keeping our programs small and intimate, everyone will get better results. 

We only have a limited number of spots for this course and won’t be able to accommodate any more than that.

The program is going to start soon, so time is a factor.

So if you’re truly serious about finding your person, you have to act as soon as possible.

And yes, spots are granted on a first-come, first-serve basis.


Finding your truly one of the most important decisions ever.

If you feel like this takes priority in your life and you are ready to devote your time and energy into finding your person, we would love to have you in our program.

And don’t forget, you’ll get $1k of free bonuses just for signing up!

Get your spot!

Your Class Instructors


Julie Krafchick & Yue Xu

Hosts of Dateable
We are Yue and Julie from the Dateable Podcast. Through our podcast and the community we’ve built, we’ve witnessed first hand - and experienced for ourselves - what it takes to shift from date-after-date-after-date to finding that partner that feels like home. After talking to thousands of daters, we've cracked the code and can't wait to share it with you!
Join our Program